The concept of this “GOKUIN RYOMA” began to form in my mind around 2010.
It all started when I met Mr. Sakamoto in a meeting and we hit it off with each other there.
The names of male family members of the Ryoma Sakamoto family always contain the Japanese character “直(Nao).” My name is “直(Nao).” It may have been fate.
Before starting our company, I was involved in trade business. While engaged in trade business, I became aware, once again, of the greatness of the history of Japan and the Japanese culture and the pride of the Japanese.
Around that time, I met Mr. Sakamoto.
I had been very much interested in Ryoma Sakamoto even before that.
About 150 years ago in Japan, Ryoma stood firm in his convictions and continued to exert influence on those around him despite his low social status and the lack of enough support.
In the modern age, he can be likened to a rookie local government official who changes a political system in a country within a few years. No matter happened, he actualized his visions steadily in the face of resistance from the public. Nonetheless, he respected others and valued harmony with them. Then I started wanting to make the world realize that there was such a great figure in Japan.
However, to make it happen, people need to get together. There need to be occasions for them to talk to each other.
“Sake” can play a role as a starter best suited for such occasions.
In Japan, sake already appeared in the mythological age. Since then, sake has been used in Shinto rituals and has been served as a common “sake” at banquets.
If I were to make sake, I would make the best quality sake. I would ask a person inheriting the Japanese culture respectfully and accurately to make sake.
Then, I met Mr. Masuda Tokubee.
An encounter with Mr. Masuda Tokubee rapidly accelerated the realization of the concept of “GOKUIN RYOMA.”
Looking back, I think that if Mr. Masuda Tokubee had not accepted my proposal about “GOKUIN RYOMA,” this sake would not have been realized.”
It was in Kyoto that Ryoma Sakamoto spent most of his time working all day and night.
Considering this, I would like to ask a sake brewery in Kyoto to make sake. Among the sake breweries in Kyoto, it must be the one that would respect the history and inherit the ancient culture faithfully.
Besides, it must be a sake brewery which would kindly accept a request from a person without any achievement.
Normally, there would be no such sake breweries.
However, I was fortunate enough to meet such a person on referral from an old friend of mine.
I am truly grateful for the generosity of Mr. Masuda.
I love sake but have no experience of sake business. Although I received various harsh opinions, I was able to realize my thought by emulating Mr. Sakamoto.
Finally, I have come to the starting line.
Our tasks for the future are to return a favor to Mr. Masuda Tokubee, Mr. Sakamoto, and those who helped us make this sake as well as to promote and establish the traditional Japanese culture overseas with the aim of rolling out “GOKUIN RYOMA,” an embodiment of Ryoma Sakamoto, across the world.
Thank you for your continued support.
CEO Nao Iahibashi
Executive Officer Mie Masakiyo / Noboru Sakamoto
Address 3-4-2-1106 Shibaura Minato-ku Tokyo JAPAN
Phone +81-3-6435-0634